Thursday 30 June 2011

Project 12: Contrast and Exposure.

Contrast and Exposure.

In the majority of landscape images the main
contrast occurs between the sky and the
 remainder. The sky effect and exposure
problem can be duplicated in any water.
This first image is an example of shadowed
foliage and a bright sky. There is about 5
stops difference between the two.
The only way to take this image is to wait
for a change of lighting.

This landscape is a little different but as
often the the sky is an essential dramatic
 part of the image but also that portion
 that provides a large change in EV.

This version is exposed for the sky and
the foreground and middle distance is
under exposed.

This version was exposed for the fore and
middle ground. The sky is washed out and the
image has lost all impact.
There is 4 stops difference between the two
A solution for this sort of image with a fairly
well defined horizon is to use a neutral density
graduated filter to reduce the effect of the bright
sky but still maintain the detail in the rest of
the image.


Another similar image this shot exposed for
the shadows.

Same image exposed for the sky.

Same image exposed for shadows with
x2 Neutral Density Graduated filter.

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