Friday 27 May 2011

Project 30: Wide Angle Views - Near and Far.

Wide Angle Views.
Focal length lens - 22mm.
Focus Point - 5 feet from camera.
Near point in focus - 1 foot from camera.
Far point in focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal distance - 1.25 feet.

Furrows add perspective to the image.
Furrows and green field in background lead eye
through image.

f22 @ 1/80.
Focal length lens - 20mm.
Focus point - 20 feet from camera.
Near point in focus - 0.9 feet.
Far point in focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal distance - 1 foot.

Tractor tread, shadows, hedges and points of interest
lead eye through picture.

f22 @ 1/15.
Focal length lens - 36mm.
Focus point - 4 feet from camera.
Near point in focus - 1.5 feet.
Far point in focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal distance - 3.2 feet.

The definition of the corn and tapering field leads
the eye to the horizon.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Project 29: Rephotographing a well known image.

Project 32: Telephoto Views - Variety of Images.

 Telephoto - Variety of Images.

f22 @ 1/15
Focal length lens - 300 mm.
Target - Centre Pine Trees at 400 feet.
Near Limit of Focus - 140 feet.
Far Limit of Focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal Distance - 218 feet.

Horizontal planes are foreshortened. The distance from the
first tree to the target is approx. 250 feet. The near tree is a
little less sharp than the target.

f22 @ 1/15.
Focal length lens - 300mm.
Target - Pine trees at 600 feet.
Near limit of focus - 160 feet.
Far limit of focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal Distance - 220 feet.

The near hedge at about 150 feet is just about in focus.
Compression of horizontal planes is considerable.
Distance from camera to far houses is approx.1 mile.

f22 @ 1/30.
Focal length lens 300mm.
Target is tree in centre at about 300 feet.
Near limit of focus - 70 feet.
Far limit of focus - Infinity.
Hyperfocal Distance - 90 feet.
The dead leaves at approx.10 feet are out of focus.
The trees either side of the target are in focus.
Horizontal planes are foreshortened. Distance to target is 300 feet and and from target to far wood
is 500 feet.

Friday 20 May 2011

Project 34: Graduated Filters.

 Graduated Filter.

Exposing for the sky, foreground is under exposed
by 2 stops.

Retake image using 2x Grad. Filter covering the sky to the horizon.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Project 35: Polarising Filter.

Polarising Filter and Wide Angle lens.

An easy mistake to make particularly when shooting landscape!!