Sunday 10 July 2011

Project 1 The horizon line.

Although the images are not very inspiring,
I think they serve the purpose of the project.

Here are further examples of a scene with
different horizon positions.

This first shows a field of rape with the sky
occupying the upper third. A typical landscape.

Here the sky has been reduced and the
foreground dominates the image.

And here the purpose of the image is to
emphasise the powerful sky.
 While the foreground
has been reduced considerably this image illustrates that it is not only the space occupied by a particular part of the landscape that determines its importance in the image but also the colour and tone.
Here the strong yellow and to a lesser extent the
green of the trees balance the strong blues of the sky.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Project2: Horizontal vs Vertical

The purpose here was to isolate the small figure
at the same time retain a semblance of the surroundings.

The vertical frame is a better choice. The isolation of the
figure is still maintained without too much of the distracting
detail in the top image.

Here the object was to capture the two
women hurrying towards the bright
lights of the dress shop.

It is a vertical image and the vertical frame eliminates
 the detail on the left but retains the lights of the shop
 and the busy area around it.

Friday 8 July 2011

Project 3: Panorama.

Panorama 1.

Not a good image. As is often the
case , the light changes! This is a
combination of 8 shots with the
camera in portrait mode. Size of
 image is 35" x 10". viewing angle
approx. 180 degrees. It lacks a sense of scale!

Project 4:Collage

The 7 images on the right reading from top

to bottom, form the collage assembled at the

bottom of the page reading from left to right.